Fraggle Says


~ Fraggle ~

Legalize Member ID: fraggle
20 year old Male from Rogers, AR

~ Number of Visits ~

~ Bio / Blurb ~
I am a 20 year old male. I'm married and have a wonderful 2 year old daughter. My wife and I are social smokers. Well maybe a little more then social smokers, we just love marijuana.

~ Reasons to Legalize ~
I think Marijuana should be legalized for many reasons. Manly so if my little girl decides to smoke when she gets older she won't have to put up withh all the shit I have had to. Also I know a person that was in a bad car accident, even though it wasn't her fault she has to deal with all the problems that came from her injuries. She is pretty much confined to a chair most of the time, and really can't get around to well. One of the only things she can really enjoy anymore is smoking marijuana. Not only does she enjoy it, but it helps tremendously with her arthritus. I feel that if anything it should be legal for her and others like her to use marijuana. Of course I really want it legal for us all but even just the medical use of Marijuana would make me feel alot better about our country. Why is the government so blind to the needs of so many people?

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Americans Speaking Out to Legalize Marijuana